Halloween at the Y

Healthy Kids Day
Mark your calendars to celebrate with us on April 20th 2024 from 9:00am - 11:00am at the Y!
Check out some highlights from prior events

Contact Hailey Jackson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

At the Y we are here to serve the youngest to the oldest in our community. We offer a variety of youth programs to help children exercise, learn new skills, and build friendships. Check out what we have to offer at our Y!
Artist Studio
Whether Picasso or Da Vinci is more your style, we invite you to come express yourself! Explore new projects, different mediums & much more in Artist Studio.
Thursdays for 4 weeks (begins the start of each month)
Ages 4-10 yrs
Members: $25 | $50
Book & Cook
Pair some fun stories with a tasty snack! Whether its apple boats as we sail along with pirates or stone soup, each week we will dive into a fun book & make a tasty treat to eat along with it.
Tuesday for 4 weeks (begins at the start of each month)
Ages 2-8yrs
Members: $25 | $50
Enhance balance, learn new skills, and explore the vast world of dance during this 45 minute class. The ballet/jazz combo class requires students to wear soft dance shoes or be barefooted and athletic-wear. Classes are once per month through February & beginning in March will be a weekly program.
Ages 3-4 @ 5:00p
Kindergarten-2nd @ 5:30p
Members: $25 | $50

RISE is a program targeted to 9th & 10th grade students in Washington County. Together with the Washington County Commissioners, the Y is able to offer 100 FREE memberships to students.
Local data shows the 9th & 10th grade students are the most at risk for anxiety, depression and suicide. We know that mental, physical and emotional health is deeply intertwined. So we are encouraging students to exercise, volunteer in their community, educate themselves on positive stress coping mechanisms and more through the RISE program. We hope that by offering memberships and getting our youth involved in the community, we can instill Responsibility, Independence, and Service for Empowerment in each of them.
If you would like to nominate a student for the RISE program or have questions, contact Gavan Doane at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information on youth sports contact Hailey Jackson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fundamental Soccer
Watch your child build skills beyond the field with the Y's Co-ed, 3-8 year old soccer. The Y gives everyone the opportunity to participate in physical activity regardless of their ability to play or pay. In doing so, we encourage teamwork, the value of participation, skill building, positive self-image, and a sense of sportsmanship. Our Fundamental Soccer Program helps youth learn the basics behind the game of soccer and how to play as a team. These skills are crucial to not only sports, but they are essential life skills.
Related Soccer Flyers
Washington County Soccer Club
The Washington County Soccer Club is a Co-ed club for anyone ages 9-15 years that attends one of the 3 Washington County School Corporations. Our traveling club makes it possible for everyone to play regardless of the ability to play or pay. Our volunteer coaches & Y staff focus on building teamwork, teaching players about the ins & outs of soccer, and a sense of good sportsmanship.
Related Soccer Flyers
Winter Rookie Basketball
Winter Rookie Basketball
Youth ages 3 - 9 years old
Our program focuses on fair play and fun through clinic style fundamentals and team games each week. The Y gives everyone the opportunity to participate in physical activity regardless of their ability to play or pay. In doing so we encourage teamwork, the value of participation, skill building, positive self-image, and a sense of sportsmanship.
YMCA coaches participate on a volunteer basis, are trained in Athlete Protection, Child Abuse Prevention, and must pass a background and CPS check.
British Soccer Camp
British Soccer Camp is brought to the YMCA by Challenger Sports! For 1 week during the summer, international coaches come to teach students 3-18 skills & drills. Follow for the most up to date information on our camp for 2023 & registration.
Youth Martial Arts
Instructor: Josh Tullis
Thursdays: 5:30pm
Ages 7 & above
Instructor: Evan Motsinger
Saturdays: 10:30am
Ages 5 & above
2023 Sessions Schedule:
Session 1: Jan 12th-Feb 18th
Session 2: Mar 2nd-April 15th (no classes week of 3/27)
Session 3: April 27th-June 3rd
Session 4: June 15th-July 22nd
Session 5: Aug 3rd-Sept 9th (no Sat. class on 9/2, makeup 9/16)
Session 6: Sept 21st-Oct 28th (no classes week of Salem’s Fall Break)
Session 7: Nov 2nd-Dec 16th (no classes week of 11/20, Sat class will be 2 hrs on 12/16)
Focus on growing strength, flexibility, self-confidence, concentration, and self-awareness with our Martial Arts Program! Whether this is your 1st time or you are a veteran, we give youth a chance to learn a form of self-defense, philosophy, and improve physical fitness.
Come increase your skills and develop proper technique on individualized goal progressions! Let our qualified instructors work with you towards becoming the best you can be! We emphasize reflex development, hand-eye coordination, balance, and a sense of wellbeing.
Click to see the Youth Martial Arts Flyer

Coed Tumbling
We are currently seeking an instructor for Tumbling. If you are interested in becoming an instructor, please send your resume to Chelsey Miller at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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